It's starting to feel like winter more than fall except for the snow. However, the weather seems to go up and down. On the weekend the temperature got up to the 20's while, just two days later, it is down to 3.
Next weekend is Thanksgiving, and I can't wait to see my cousins. Nothing else is really going on. In truth, I like Spring alot more than Fall because in Spring, new life is born while fall seems to be the season of death. The different fall colours are pretty however. September seemed to go by really fast, I still can't believe that there is only 9 more months of highschool left.
Everything seems to happen around this time of year. There are so many holidays between now and March that everything seems to happen in intervals. Then, between April and August, everything seems to slow down and get really boring. This is especially true in the Summer when there is absolutely nothing to do.
At 2:52 p.m.,
Tonya said…
Hey Sam......... I like fall! Meanie! Oh well, good blog anyway.
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