Just Because

Saturday, January 20, 2007

January is kind of a depressing month, nothing exciting ever happens and it just keeps on snowing. By now I am really tired of snow, of course I'm not too excited about the mud and slush that will be left when it all melts. Atleast when it first snows, every thing looks clean and pretty, but then mud and foot prints changes it. Today it is warmer then it has been lately, which is nice, but it is still cloudy and kind of bleak. I can't wait until spring when it finally gets warm and sunny again, and we don't have to wear coats every time we go outside. February isn't as bad as January but it is still usually cold and snowy. Well whatever, I've gotten through it every winter since I was born, so I guess a few more months won't make much of a difference.


  • At 10:30 p.m., Blogger Tonya said…

    Yeah, I'm getting kind of sick of the snow myself. Slush is the worst....it's just glorified mud! Anyways, February will be better.....your birthday is in February after all :)

  • At 8:23 p.m., Blogger Ms. Wadlegger said…

    I love winter as long as there is enough snow. So far, so good! Get outside - it makes the winter fun!


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