Just Because

Friday, January 12, 2007

Finally, it is Friday. This week seems to have taken forever, not too sure why. But atleast it is the weekend and I can finally sleep. Of course I have a lot of homework to do this weekend, including a lot of math. I'm almost done module 3. Then only one more. It's kind of depressing right now, it's always like this after Christmas, especially since exams come right after. At batons I ripped of half of one of my toenails. This the second one in a very short amount of time. My last one just grew back in not that long ago. Next semester is going to be very busy, even busier than this one. I will have English , Chemistry , and physics. Of course physics will be by correspondence. Chemistry and English should be good though, even if they are provincials.


  • At 10:27 p.m., Blogger Tonya said…

    Yikes! You ripped off half of your toenail? That must have hurt something fierce! And yes, next semester is going to be veeery busy, but I think English is going to be fun!

  • At 8:28 p.m., Blogger Ms. Wadlegger said…

    I'm looking forward to English 12, too! And OUCH about the toe. :(


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