Just Because

Friday, February 09, 2007

The new semester has started and so far it has been very busy. We've only been in these classes since Monday and we've already had a ton of homework. In chemistry today, which is not by correspondence yeah, we are doing a really long lab. atleast it took a long time to write up. The actual thing doesn't really lok that hard. There really isn't that much to say. It was weird, my blog made me change to the Google one, I couldn't write anything unless I did. It's not really that bad I guess, just annoying. It's finally Friday, this week seemed to take forever. I think I know the last part of my freestyle from this weekend, and most of our pairs. There's this back neck roll thing which I have to be able to do by March 3. I've almost done it twice but both times were when I was actually doing it to the music. So we'll see how that turns out.


  • At 11:22 a.m., Blogger Tonya said…

    Jeez blogger pretty much bullied you into changing your blog sign in! Ah well, its probably pretty much the same.


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