Just Because

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Prince George was fun, but now I'm back at school. It doesn't even feel like we had Spring Break, it was so short. In Prince George Spring Break starts this coming Monday and lasts two weeks. They combine their's with Easter. While we were there we went up to UNBC but we didn't actually go in, we just drove aroud. It's a lot smaller than I expected it too be. When I was five or six we went there with my grandparents and it seemed a lot larger. One of the nights we went out for dinner to this Chinese restaurant and it was all buffet, even the drinks. On the Tuesday my gradndparents were there for the night so we spent all day with them. They were looking for new furniture since they sold their house and most of their furniture with it. So, we got to help them pick it out. I wish we could of spent more time with them.


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