Just Because

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

This is a very long week even though there is only 4 school days. Friday is Good Friday so there is no school. I think we will have quite a few people at our house for Easter, at least I hope so. My camera is very annoying, I can't put my pictures on the computer at school because it needs a dock to upload and the dock I can't bring to school. So now I have to print all of my pictures out at home. The dock also charges the camera so I hope the batteries don't run out at school too. I have to put a zoom picture on my blog and print out an action shot so I can mount it. For my series shot, I think I'm going to do Easter Eggs since it is Easter. Chrissy and I got the rest of our duet this weekend, it's interesting. We also spent four hours on Lady Hawke, it felt like about nine hours. She also gave me a new solo which I have two weeks to learn. I have the first section memorized and I can remember most of the tricks. It's just the order and the twirling sections that I don't really remember. Of course I can't watch the video I have of it since my dad has our VCR in his truck. I guess if I don't know it, I'll just have to make it up using what I can remember.


  • At 9:37 p.m., Blogger Tonya said…

    Yikes! They should have given you your solo like two months ago! Well, here's your chance to freestyle I guess if you don't know it!

  • At 2:07 p.m., Blogger Tonya said…

    I like your zoom pic. I especially like the series shots you did though. Very nice!


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