Just Because

Sunday, April 15, 2007

We just got back from Vancouver and I hurt really bad. After about twelve hours of competition and practice yesterday and then having to sit in the car all day today, every muscle in my body hurts. The competition went pretty well though, except Lady Hawke. We actually caught our cartwheel trick, then we kind of forgot what we were doing we were so surprised. Anyways, if you count the teams I got six firsts, two seconds, and a gold in the Olympic team challenge. Compulsaries actually went pretty good, and apparently the solo I just learned two weeks ago came across as "very well practiced," at least that's what it said on my score sheet, I liked that judge! My medley and solo dance were also pretty much made up and I got pretty good scores on them too. Still, I would rather have some routines that I actually know. Staying Alive did really well though, before penalties we had a score of 58 and you only need a 60 to move up to level A!


  • At 9:48 p.m., Blogger ~*~Christine~*~ said…

    hahaha... that was AWESOME when we caught that trick... did you watch the DVD??? I laughed!!!!
    Ladyhawke was horrible... not our fault though! we caught the cartwheelss!!!!!!!!!!!


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