Just Because

Saturday, December 23, 2006

2 more days

It's Saturday, and it's only 2 more days until Christmas. My aunt should be here any time now. It definitely feels more like Christmas now that we don't have any school. Of course I do have a lot of correspondence to do if I am going to finish math by the end of January. Then it's on to physics, I guess. That should be interesting. Today we babysat my grandpa's new puppy, Tiko. It is so hyper. It's so cute though, and it is starting to learn to not bite, so that was good. I wonder if they will bring her up on Christmas, that could be really hectic, especially since my uncle's dog will be here. My uncle's dog and my dog are brother and sister so they get along pretty well, but my dog isn't to impressed with the puppy. I think he's just scared of hurting her.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Finally, it is the last day of school before Christmas. I really thought that this day would never come. I can't wait for Christmas morning. Of course this does mean that I will have a lot of house work to do between now and then. I made the sugar cookies last night, and not one burned. My aunt is supposed to be coming tomorrow night and my cousins are coming on Sunday. Christmas eve will be at my granpa's again this year and my other cousins will be their instead of coming to our house for Christmas dinner. They will be at their Dad's.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Well, I have all of my Christmas shopping finished. My dad was the hardest to buy for as usual, and my mom was the easiest. Now all I have to do is wrap them and I will be ready. I didn't expect to get home from Kamloops so late. Soon we will be going to get our Christmas tree. I hope we get to decorate it as soon as possible. Hopefully it won't be too wet to bring inside right away. We are supposed to have a bunch of people coming for Christmas. Of course not nearly as much as we have had before. Only around 15 people this year. One year our Christmas dinner included 35 people. We had tables all through the living room. I think I remember that Christmas the most.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Only one more week to go before Christmas break finally starts. Not only that but Christmas is next Monday. Of course that does mean that wo get out of school three days before Christmas. All well, atleast that means that we get more time off after New Years. It'll all go by really fast though. It always does. Tomorrow I get to go and do my Christmas shopping, then on Sunday we are going to go out and get our tree. We actually still go out in the woods and get an actual live tree. It seems that this tradition is becoming more scarce every year. I couldn't imagine a Christmas tree made out of plastic. Not that there is anything wrong with it, it's just not for me.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tomorrow is the Christmas dinner. The turkeys are cooking right now and they smell really good. Yes, I am at school, but I should be able to go home in a few minutes. There really isn't anything to do here however. The smell is really making me hungry, and I just ate not that long ago. Sometimes food is very annoying. I want to go home.