There's only 2 days of actual school this week and one of them is almost half over. On Wednesday I only have to be here for a couple of hours in the afternoon for my Chemistry exam, then I get Thursday and Friday off. My cousin gets this whole week off, but he goes to a way bigger school where a lot more exams happen. I'm so glad I get Thursday and Friday off because, well, we got our schedule for the weekend. I have to be there at 8:30 both mornings. We have to do Lady Hawk for 3 and a half hours, atleast we get to take some of it out. Hopefully I'll do well on my chemistry exam then I won't have that to worry about this weekend. It shouldn't be too hard. I've already finished my article for this month so now I don't have anything to do in class except this, so I hope the bell will go soon. I am really hungry, I'm so glad that lunch is next.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Well we are leaving for Kamloops soon, we're not really going for any reason. We're just going. Last nught I didn't sleep very well. I kept having some really weird dreams, then I'd wake up and I wouldn't be able to go back to sleep. Most of the dreams didn't happen until this morning though. I hate it when I wake up in the middle of night, then I lay there for hours trying to go back to sleep. At least I didn't have to get up early today, and I don't really have to do anything other than sit in a car. It looks like it is going to be a really nice, warm day today. There is only a few white clouds and the rest is a bright blue sky. It's so much nicer this way than just grey and black clouds. It's kind of depressing when it is dark because of clouds, sometimes it feels like a dream when it's like that.
Friday, January 26, 2007

It's Friday, finally, and tomorrow we get to go to Kamloops for the weekend. I just can't wait to go somewhere for a couple of days. Of course it'll have to include study time, but all well. It's kind of weird that there is only two school days left in this semester. For physics next semester I am going to have to do Physics 11 through the e-learning, so that should be interesting. I may also have to do chemistry 12 through correspondence, which I definitely do not want to do. Luckily I won't be the only one if it does turn out that way. Chemistry 11 is the only exam I have this semester which is kind of good and kind of bad. It means that I will have four exams next semester, including three provincials. They include: Chemistry, English and math. However, I do hope to do the math one in April, so that should atleast split them up. Well, next semester should definitely be interesting.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
January is kind of a depressing month, nothing exciting ever happens and it just keeps on snowing. By now I am really tired of snow, of course I'm not too excited about the mud and slush that will be left when it all melts. Atleast when it first snows, every thing looks clean and pretty, but then mud and foot prints changes it. Today it is warmer then it has been lately, which is nice, but it is still cloudy and kind of bleak. I can't wait until spring when it finally gets warm and sunny again, and we don't have to wear coats every time we go outside. February isn't as bad as January but it is still usually cold and snowy. Well whatever, I've gotten through it every winter since I was born, so I guess a few more months won't make much of a difference.
Friday, January 19, 2007
This semester is almost over, there's only about 2 weeks left until exams. Then we only have one semester left until grad. We have our theme for our grad., black and white Paris. It should be interesting, there is going to be a lot of lights. I'm so happy that I have only one exam this semester and it's not even a provincial. Of course, it is our luck that we have a baton workshop that weekend. It really isn't all that bad, I just wanted to have that weekend free since I get the Thursday and Friday off. I'm not going to do my math provincial until April. Still, that leaves a lot of exams for next semester.
Friday, January 12, 2007
Finally, it is Friday. This week seems to have taken forever, not too sure why. But atleast it is the weekend and I can finally sleep. Of course I have a lot of homework to do this weekend, including a lot of math. I'm almost done module 3. Then only one more. It's kind of depressing right now, it's always like this after Christmas, especially since exams come right after. At batons I ripped of half of one of my toenails. This the second one in a very short amount of time. My last one just grew back in not that long ago. Next semester is going to be very busy, even busier than this one. I will have English , Chemistry , and physics. Of course physics will be by correspondence. Chemistry and English should be good though, even if they are provincials.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Well Christmas is over and we are back at school. It was a little bit weird on Monday since we had a whole week off after New Year's. Christmas was awesome as usual and I got a lot of stuff. Of course we went to Ukrainian Christmas at my uncle's. Usually it falls on the weekend after we get back to school, but this year it was the weekend before. I think I like it better when it is after because I have something to look forward to the next Saturday. My great Uncle made us a dish which is kind of like a cornmeal casserole it kind of tasted like scrambled eggs. I know what it is called in Ukrainian but I don't know how to write it. This dish was way better then the head cheese he made last year. Next year we apparently get to eat wheat soup and buckwheat. This is probably not a good thing. I definitely like Ukrainian Christmas dinner better than The usual one since we get both turkey and Ukrainian food. It's really cool listening to my great uncle because he speaks a lot of Ukrainian. It was hard to come back to Clinton after spending the weekend at my Uncle's.