The picture of the tree is a draw your eye picture. Your eye is drawn up the tree trunk since it is a definite line and the sun is hitting it making it stand out.The picture of Rocky is a picture taken from a different angle. The picture is taken looking down on the Rocky.This picture of the park follows the rule or thirds. The top third is the trees and bench, the middle third is the pond, and the bottom third is the grass.
Prince George was fun, but now I'm back at school. It doesn't even feel like we had Spring Break, it was so short. In Prince George Spring Break starts this coming Monday and lasts two weeks. They combine their's with Easter. While we were there we went up to UNBC but we didn't actually go in, we just drove aroud. It's a lot smaller than I expected it too be. When I was five or six we went there with my grandparents and it seemed a lot larger. One of the nights we went out for dinner to this Chinese restaurant and it was all buffet, even the drinks. On the Tuesday my gradndparents were there for the night so we spent all day with them. They were looking for new furniture since they sold their house and most of their furniture with it. So, we got to help them pick it out. I wish we could of spent more time with them.
Yeah, it's spring break. Tomorrow we are leaving for Prince George. We were supposed to be going to Smithers for the week but my grandparents are going to be in Prince George. It's kind of good since now we only have to drive half way. We are going to stay with my mom's aunt and uncle and visit with her family to. It should be fun, of course they just got about 6 inches of snow so I'm not really sure what the weathers going to be like. I can't wait to go. We're not even leaving that early, only about nine or nine thirty, which isn't bad. Lately I haven't really been able to sleep much past eight, usually I just end up lying in bed for a while. We're pretty much ready to go to night so we don't really even have to do anything in the morning. That's always the worst part about going anywhere, all of the work you have to do before you leave.
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Well, today was interesting. To start with, not many people were at school today since most of them went to Sun Peaks, or just stayed home. Then, at about twenty to eleven, the power went out. So, we were able to go home at eleven thirty, since the power wouldn't be turned back on until around three thirty. It actually came back on at twenty after three. My Grandpa's satellite is now not working since it turned off when the power went out. So, we lent them our second one. Yeah, so it was a different day. Apparently, a transformer was on fire up by 70 mile. It just caught fire because of dirt and water build up. Kind of scary. We don't have baton this weekend for sure. The roads are still closed and Vancouver is still flooding so she can't come up. The next time she can come up will be on the thirty first. Only about a week before Jump into Spring, all well, Chrissy and I are now making up our own duet.
Today we went to Ashcroft for the karate tournament which Calvin was in. There was a lot of bloody noses by the end of Kumite, which of course there is not supposed to be. So, that was interesting. I can't wait for my first competition of the year, in April. Unfortunately, I don't know if I'll be ready for it. I don't even know if I'll be ready for May, or even July for that matter. Still, it'll be fun. Canadians this year is in Regina and we have friends in Saskatchewan, so that is going to be a lot of fun. Only one more week until Spring Break. We probably are going to have to twirl all day next Saturday but at least it's only one day. Then, hopefully I get to go to Smither's. That should be a lot of fun. Provincials this year are in Invermere. I think if Invermere can hold provincials, so can we. Anyways, I guess I had better start practicing some of my bigger tricks more.
I have the worst headache. I've had it since yesterday morning and it just seems to be continuously getting worse. Looking at the computer really hurts, not even sleeping last night was able to get rid of it. It is really not good that I have so much homework this weekend since reading is really hard right now. I kind of like I'm going to fall to a sleep any time now. I was actually kind of glad that it wasn't extremely sunny today because that would have definitely hurt. Anyways, on Tuesday at baton I hit my wrist doing a back hand catch and it just bruised yesterday, so that was kind of weird. Okay, I really have to go now.
It was so warm out this morning but then just as we were about to wash my Dad's truck, the clouds came out and it got really cold. So, by the time we the truck was clean we were soaking wet and freezing. Tonight we went out for dinner to the Lodge and now I am so full my stomach still hurts. I'm so happy that it's March, even though it is extremely muddy March is one of my favorite months. Unfortunately with the warm weather this morning, the snow in our backyard melted and our lawn flooded. Also, the ditch in front of our house was actually filled to the top with water. By tonight however, the water had gone down a lot from the ditch and the yard so we're almost dry now. Spring break is in two weeks and we will hopefully be going to Smithers to see my grandparents. I haven't seen them for almost two years, they'll of course come down for grad but I still want to go see them now.