Today has been so busy. My whole family is here and it's kind of loud. I was actually tired at four o'clock this afternoon. Of course I'm almost always tired so I guess that it isn't too strange and that it doesn't really have anything to do with my family. I'm really ready to go to sleep. It was a pretty warm day today, it finally felt like Winter was gone. Hopefully it doesn't snow anymore. And since provincials are in Invermere this year, I really hope that the weather is good down there. All day today, and yesterday after school, I've been really restless and I don't have any idea why, it's really kind of annoying.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Yay, I got accepted into UBC, into the Bachelor of Arts program. I'm so excited but it's kind of scary to. We had our student lead conferences on Wednesday and Thursday, those were interesting. I actually thought that they were going to be a lot harder than they were. Well, at least they're over. Only one week till provincials, still not nervous. I think my mom and I are going on our own. The whole month of May is going to be extremely busy with the competition, grad trip, may ball, etc. It's going to go by so quickly, which really isn't a good thing.
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Yaaa!!!! My grad pictures are done and I will get them somewhere around May 10th. That's really lucky considering that they have to be in by the 15th if we want them in the paper. I can't believe grad is only two months away, at least I'm done my math. It took along time to do the pictures yesterday, even if you don't include the hair, but it was fun. This morning I had to go and help sort bottles and cans for baton, there was a lot of us there however so it only took an hour. At least we didn't have to go out and get them. Provincials are in two weeks, it doesn't feel like it since we just got back from Richmond. So that means that the grad trip is in two and a half weeks, yaaaaaa!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007

Well, today i had to do my math provincial. I don't think it went so well. But I have to wait six weeks until I can actually find out how I did do. Tomorrow I'm getting my grad pictures done. I still haven't decided how I want my hair done, or what colour cap and gown I want. Today after school we have a grad bottle drive, I really hope it doesn't rain. Right now it looks like it's going to. Our grad trip is less than a month away, i'm so excited. Of course before that, we have to get through another competition, provincials this time. I really hope Lady Hawke does atleast a little bit better. We're actually going to have someone to compete against this year. It's kind of sad, I don't have any more competitions in Vancouver. All well.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
We just got back from Vancouver and I hurt really bad. After about twelve hours of competition and practice yesterday and then having to sit in the car all day today, every muscle in my body hurts. The competition went pretty well though, except Lady Hawke. We actually caught our cartwheel trick, then we kind of forgot what we were doing we were so surprised. Anyways, if you count the teams I got six firsts, two seconds, and a gold in the Olympic team challenge. Compulsaries actually went pretty good, and apparently the solo I just learned two weeks ago came across as "very well practiced," at least that's what it said on my score sheet, I liked that judge! My medley and solo dance were also pretty much made up and I got pretty good scores on them too. Still, I would rather have some routines that I actually know. Staying Alive did really well though, before penalties we had a score of 58 and you only need a 60 to move up to level A!
Thursday, April 12, 2007
This weekend we have our competition in Richmond. I think we are actually staying with my aunt in Maple Ridge. I don't think I'm ready for this competition considering that I haven't had much time to practice anything. Well, it should be interesting anyways, especially when I have to start making up things. All well it won't be like it's the first time. I'm not sure how many judges we're going to have, Miss Martin thought that there might be only one. I hope not, the competition would last forever. My freestyle actually shouldn't be that bad this year. Even the tricks I usually never catch. Ours pairs may be another story however. It doesn't even feel like I'm going to Vancouver this weekend, I haven't even thought about packing. I guess I just have too much else to think about.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
We are having our Easter today so now I have a lot of chocolate. My cousins are staying with us this weekend but they are down at their Dad's for during the day. So, we are pretty much having Easter alone. I still can't believe next weekend is our competition. It's so nice out today I might even go outside to practice for a while, my solo could definitely use it. I hope my freestyle costume is done by then, at least to the point where it looks done. Then for provincials we can improve it some. April and May are always crazy months. They are always so busy that they go by really fast. Of course they are even busier this year with grad and everything. I can't wait for Easter dinner tonight, especially the ham. At least this year it feels like spring. Usually at Easter it is still really cold, sometimes we even still have snow. All well it's nice today, but who knows what it's going to be like tomorrow. My math exam is not even two weeks away, I am really nervous.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
This is a very long week even though there is only 4 school days. Friday is Good Friday so there is no school. I think we will have quite a few people at our house for Easter, at least I hope so. My camera is very annoying, I can't put my pictures on the computer at school because it needs a dock to upload and the dock I can't bring to school. So now I have to print all of my pictures out at home. The dock also charges the camera so I hope the batteries don't run out at school too. I have to put a zoom picture on my blog and print out an action shot so I can mount it. For my series shot, I think I'm going to do Easter Eggs since it is Easter. Chrissy and I got the rest of our duet this weekend, it's interesting. We also spent four hours on Lady Hawke, it felt like about nine hours. She also gave me a new solo which I have two weeks to learn. I have the first section memorized and I can remember most of the tricks. It's just the order and the twirling sections that I don't really remember. Of course I can't watch the video I have of it since my dad has our VCR in his truck. I guess if I don't know it, I'll just have to make it up using what I can remember.