(-8) chopping wood. It was snowing too. But we need the money if we want to go on a grad trip and have an awesome grad.
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
After standing in the same spot slicing apples for 3 and a half hours, you get pretty bored and pretty tired. Last night we got tot make apple pies again and I got the awesome joub of apple slicer. It seemed to take for ever to just get through one box of apples, and there were 10 or more. We had to make atleast 100 pies just last night. This comes after a couple of weeks ago when we had to make 100. Guess what my job was last week....! Tonight we get to actually put the pies together. Tomorrow we have Bingo. This week is so busy plus I am leaving on Thursday , at lunch, for Vancouver. Also, on Sunday, we spent over 4 hours in the cold
(-8) chopping wood. It was snowing too. But we need the money if we want to go on a grad trip and have an awesome grad.
(-8) chopping wood. It was snowing too. But we need the money if we want to go on a grad trip and have an awesome grad.
There are a lot of people dressed up today at school, good thing it's Halloween. I didn't have anything to dress up in and I sort of forgot. I really don't care that much about Halloween any more plus I never really liked dressing up. Except maybe when I was really little. The candy was always good however. I stopped trick-or-treating after grade 9, it had gotten pretty boring by then and it was always really cold. So, other than the fireworks, Halloween is pretty boring now. All well, atleast Christmas isn't that far away.
I tried to get a picture but it won't let me put one in! Annoying!
I tried to get a picture but it won't let me put one in! Annoying!
Saturday, October 28, 2006

Well winter seems to have come up North. My aunt is stuck in Houston trying to get atleast as far as Prince George. Last night it took them 8 hours to get from Smither's to Houston, then the roads closed. They probably would have stayed in Houston anyways. The snow is supposed to come as far south as 100 mile tonight wich probably means that Big Bar hill will also be covered by morning. Hopefully this storm stays away from here for atleast another few days, atleast until Thursday. Supposedly Smither' got over three feet of snow last night and it is still snowing. I'm pretty sure my granparents are not too happy about that, or maybe they are, you never know.
Friday, October 27, 2006
Finally, I don't hurt from batons last weekend. It was very painful for a very long time. I can't wait until next weekend, I get to go to Vancouver. But before I can do that we have to get through a lot of fundraisers first. Atleast tomorrow is Saturday and I can sleep in. Anyway I still can't catch the tricks I have to for my freestyle but it has only been a week and I have been fairly close to some of them. By April I should have them down good enough. Our Junior is definitely going way better than our senior team is. Of course our senior team is a lot harder and way faster. Not as fast as our pairs of course. That's another one that is going to kill me. I'm sure that one of these days Chrissy is going to drop me on my head lol.
Saturday, October 21, 2006
My freestyle is going to kill me this year! Not only is it extremely fast but it is also extremely scary. Fortunately, I get to start on the left hand side of the gym at the back and the scariest trick doesn't come until about 10 seconds into the song. The left hand side of the gym is definitly the optimal place since that means that I don't have to walk across the entire gym floor, which in a Vancouver school feels like about a mile, just to get to my spot. Unfortuanatly, the scary trick I am referring to is a toss, leap-cartwheel, catch back hand in a leap! This is of course only one of the many scary tricks. Others include: toss double illusion, toss one spin-jump-one spin catch back hand in an illusion, 3 spin head catch in the splits (which I can't do, yet), etc. What's wierd though is that I love my freestyle, but if I don't get knocked out by my baton 8 times or collapse from exhaustion, I will probably fall over from being so dizzy.
Monday, October 16, 2006
Today is the day that I can actually send in my application for UBC. I really should start applying to the rest of the Universities soon (TRU, SFU, UNBC and UVic). Just one problem, I need to know pretty close to what I am going to do in University, I have a pretty good idea but, you never know. At the beginning of November I get to go to Vancouver for a tour of UBC, I might wait until then to apply. Mostly because I also want to apply for housing at the same time.
This coming weekend we have our routine workshop. We still have no idea what to do for teams but Chrissy and I got our pairs and freestyle music cut. Atleast we won't have to wait for months to get our cut music. I think the little girls are doing "Kiss the Girl" for the little mermaid but I'm not totally positive.
This past weekend my parents' friend was visiting from Tatlyoko Lake. She has always been really interesting because she does so much. One time in her yard at home there were 9 deer, 2 of them were bucks. Anyway she just got back from a 5 week vacation in Europe. She spent 3 weeks in Scotland and 2 weeks in England and France. So she told us all kinds of stories from her holiday and she had hundreds of postcards and pictures to show us.
This coming weekend we have our routine workshop. We still have no idea what to do for teams but Chrissy and I got our pairs and freestyle music cut. Atleast we won't have to wait for months to get our cut music. I think the little girls are doing "Kiss the Girl" for the little mermaid but I'm not totally positive.
This past weekend my parents' friend was visiting from Tatlyoko Lake. She has always been really interesting because she does so much. One time in her yard at home there were 9 deer, 2 of them were bucks. Anyway she just got back from a 5 week vacation in Europe. She spent 3 weeks in Scotland and 2 weeks in England and France. So she told us all kinds of stories from her holiday and she had hundreds of postcards and pictures to show us.
Thursday, October 12, 2006

Writing this blog is very difficult considering the fact that I have absolutely nothing to say. Our t.v. is shot at home so I can't even write about any shows or movies since I haven't seen any for a while. Except for the news which we watched on our tiny replacement t.v., I din't really watch it though so I don't know what's going on. This has got to be the most boring blog in the world. I kind of wish something would happen right about now so I could write something interesting. Everybody else seems to be able to come up with something strange or funny, or at least interesting.
This weekend my parents friend will be at our house for a visit. That means that I won't be allowed to leave the house for 3 days. All well I didn't really have any where to go anyway. The weekend after that we have a baton workshop to get all of our routines. Atleast this year I know what my freestyle song is going to be, and my pairs! Team? Well........... we have no idea. Hopefully next I post something will have happened and I will have something to write about. Or not, you know, whatever. (The puppies are just cute, they're not mine.)
Wednesday, October 11, 2006

It really is awesome when your family gets together for a holiday. That is one of the reasons why I love Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter so much. This Thanksgiving we had my Aunt and Uncle and my two cousins up for dinner, which we had at my Grandpa's house. Then, the next day we got to see five more of my cousins, one of which I have not seen for about 5 years, and two of my soon to be cousins. They are always a lot of fun to be with. I do kind of wish that the rest of family had been here but......Christmas is coming!
Saturday, October 07, 2006

The scariest part about baton is the aerial trick practices. It seems that as soon as you learn one trick you are moving on to the more complicated, and more painful if you mess up, trick. This is especially true about spins. As soon as you've tried 4 four spins, you can barely see the baton because you're so dizzy. Horizontal tosses are even worse though since they hurt a lot more when they land on your head. My favorites are rolls and other things that are relatively safe. However, I am better at aerial tricks than I am at rolls. Ironic isn't it. Also, rolls cause a lot more bruises than aerials do because when you are learning new ones, they always bounce off of your arms and shoulders and neck. I'm really not that sure why I don't like aerials more, they're just plain scary.
Tuesday, October 03, 2006

It's starting to feel like winter more than fall except for the snow. However, the weather seems to go up and down. On the weekend the temperature got up to the 20's while, just two days later, it is down to 3.
Next weekend is Thanksgiving, and I can't wait to see my cousins. Nothing else is really going on. In truth, I like Spring alot more than Fall because in Spring, new life is born while fall seems to be the season of death. The different fall colours are pretty however. September seemed to go by really fast, I still can't believe that there is only 9 more months of highschool left.
Everything seems to happen around this time of year. There are so many holidays between now and March that everything seems to happen in intervals. Then, between April and August, everything seems to slow down and get really boring. This is especially true in the Summer when there is absolutely nothing to do.